Thyroid disease a very common problem in our modern society with conditions including hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, solitary nodules, multinodular goitres, thyroiditis and thyroid cancers.
Various thyroid conditions can present as thyroid nodules requiring further evaluation and workup which often includes an ultrasound examination and fine needle aspiration biopsy.
Professor Ian Bennett has extensive experience in office ultrasound and surgeon-performed ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsies of thyroid lesions.
The use of office ultrasound in this setting facilitates prompt assessment of patients with thyroid conditions and Prof Bennett’s expertise in ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsies allows most patients to be managed in a ‘one-stop shop’ process, thus avoiding the need for patients to have additional visits to Radiological services to have these interventions performed.
Professor Ian Bennett has extensive experience in surgery for thyroid conditions and including the management of large retrosternal goitres which require a median sternotomy.